Portable air conditioning hire, rent or sale in London, Crawley, West Sussex and the South East

London Cool specialise in the hire, rent and sale of portable air conditioning equipment to industry and commerce. Our mobile air conditioner range includes units for the climate control of small, large and industrial areas as well as server rooms. They are divided into four categories; small portable air conditioners – suitable for an office type environment, medium portable air conditioners – suitable for a retail type environment, industrial portable air conditioners – suitable for a warehouse type environment and server room portable air conditioners –suitable for all server room applications. 

Our versatile, reliable portable air conditioners are the best in the business. They're very easy to use, energy efficient, and look great too. You can chose from four different kinds of portable air conditioners from our extensive range, depending on the space you are trying to cool. Each kind has different strengths and benefits and London Cool will make sure you have the right one for your needs. This is part of the high level service we provide which is vital to our success in the industry.

Our staff are fully trained to ensure you receive the correct portable unit(s) at a reasonable cost and for the most appropriate length of rental time of sale. 

London Cool are able to provide free site surveys to ensure you receive the best suited portable air conditioner of climate control solution. Free mobile air conditioner demo units are available on request. Delivery and installation of our portable air conditioner units is available if required.Call us now for more information or a free quotation 0800 440 444.


  1. Portable Air Conditioners are a terrific new option for cooling your home during summer and warming it during winter. They're cheap, flexible and efficient - but only if you do your homework and choose a unit that is properly suited to your circumstances. This article will give you the basic tools to make an informed decision if and when you decide to buy.

    Air Conditioning Contractors

  2. A very nice informational blog. Keep on making such important blog post. Your work is really being appreciated by someone.Such a very help full stuff for all thanks .
    Air Conditioning East Sussex

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have to agree with the first comment that portable air conditioners are ideal for when you're on a budget or are only looking to cool/heat individual rooms.

  5. I love portable air conditioners because they are so mobile. You can cool down whichever room you need with them instantly. I also find that they are easy to clean and maintain. I will be having all of my air conditioning units checked for maintenance during the fall and winter months to ensure they are ready next spring. I may also add a few more portable air conditioners to my collection.

  6. DRYCO offers industrial, construction and commercial portable air conditioner rental. If you have an emergency or your cooling needs aren’t being met, our portable air conditioners will quickly solve your problems. Our industrial and commercial portable air conditioners can cool any size building from a small office to large manufacturing center or warehouse. Obviously our portable AC units come in a variety of size so you can be sure that there is a unit that is appropriate for the size of the space you are looking to cool.
    portable air conditioner rental

  7. Nice nd Thank you .Your list are very important me .I like your blog. Heating and Air Conditioning

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thank you for sharing this info here about air conditioning. Really great.Lennox Air Conditioner Mississauga

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  11. Nice content.


  12. سعر تنظيف مكيف اسبليت بالرياض

    إن أفضل طريقة ممكنة للقيام بتنظيف مجرى الهواء ، هو الحصول على شركة غسيل مكفيات بالرياض في العناية بها ، أو إذا كنت تطرح سؤالاً يمكنني تنظيف مجاري الهوائية بنفسي ، فإن التحقيق في ذلك الجواب هو الأكثر تحدياً . يمكنك أن تأخذ هذا على سبيل توفير المال ، أو يمكنك النظر إليه كتجربة تعليمية. هناك دائمًا شيء يمكنك تعلمه عندما يتعلق الأمر بصيانة سكنك. إن تكاليف عمل هذه الشخصية شيء غير فعال من حيث التكلفة ، من ناحية أخرى سيكون بإمكانك التأكد من أن تنظيف مجرى الهواء يتم بشكل مناسب.

    هناك مقاولون يتخصصون في تنظيف مجاري نهضة نجد ، عندما تقوم بالتواصل مع شخص ما عليك التأكد من أن هذا شيء تحتاجه. هناك قنوات نهضة نجد النظيفة التي يمكنك قراءتها ، وهذا يعطيك ثلاث خطوات مباشرة لمواصلة التأكد من أن مجاري الهواء الخاصة بك يتم الاحتفاظ بها بالفعل نظيفة وذات جودة عالية. عندما تنتقل إلى منزل جديد ، أو غرفة مكتبية أو حتى إذا وجدت شيئًا ما تحت التأجير ، فإن أول شيء يجب عليك التأكد منه هو أن صيانة تنظيف مجاري نهضة نجد محدثة وأنه لا يوجد أي شيء في نهاية المطاف تحمل تكاليف لاحقا أسفل الخط.

  13. As you can see there are many things that can cause your air conditioner to work harder and cost you more money. By taking a the time to look over things and give it a cleaning you can save a lot of money.
    شركة تنظيف مكيفات


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